Sunday, 22 May 2011

The next step (s)

My next step should be getting my videos up but I'm currently watching the BAFTAs!! Get to work Dance Bank. So coming soon will be a huge array of adult dance class routines and exercises and to get ready for my girls GCSE paper in a week or so we shall be publishing a mock paper and also some documents you may find helpful whilst preparing them for the paper.

Next week is an important week for us as we take everything to the next stage and start speaking to our audience, our fellow teachers, on top of that we are planning a new timetable of adult dance classes and choreography for a July show. Phew.....and i'm going back to class, thanks Dance Digital

I need to revise the time step, as in 'i need more time' step

Ooh, back to the telly


Friday, 20 May 2011

Dance Bank - From the corner and in the round: Getting started

Dance Bank - From the corner and in the round: Getting started: "Ooh , it feels like walking into a class for the first time, not knowing quite what to expect or what others will expect of you, so here goe..."

why are we here

Well....I've recently ended up with a large amount of choreography, rather than watch others try and financially benefit from all my hard work, ive decided to give it away.

Then I thought, with so much choroegraphy sitting in folders, on video for many different lessons, exams, teacher trianing, kids classes, adult classes, GCSE dance and the endless notebooks and files full of lesson plan ideas, why not put them somewhere for other teachers to access, you never know they might be of interest to someone.

I wondered how many other teachers might have the same amount of work kicking around that they might want to share in return. So here we are, about to start sharing our creative ideas....hopefully